As we roll into the 4th year of our show and our 7th original D&D campaign, we have decided to grow our stream with the introduction of two new cast members: Satchtmo and THExxSNUGGLER! These two new additions bring with them amazing personalities, jokes for dayzz, and wonderful skills and talents they are generously offering the stream. We asked them a few questions so you can get a better sense of who they are.
Q: How long have you been watching HRR? How did you find us?
I’ve been watching HRR for… checks resub counter…. over a year now. I was just browsing Twitch for one of the first times to see what games were being played and when I saw the D&D channel I thought “wait, people stream D&D??” HRR was the first channel I checked out. It’s been love ever since…
Q: Why did you think joining our cast was a good idea? Seems like a disaster waiting to happen. Yeah, funny story, Jayne was very hesitant. Something about me being “too much of a goofball” about things… Which, in fairness, is a pretty accurate representation of who I am haha. But honestly, that’s exactly why I wanted to join. It seemed like a great platform to just be yourself, to hang out with friends and a fantastic audience, and to have fun!
Q: What’s your favorite part about Dungeons and Dragons?
Definitely the role play aspect. I love creating characters with their own unique personalities and voices and putting them in situations to see how they’d react. I know that a lot of people “study” their character and are almost scientific with their breakdown of the personality… Which is fine! I’m just the exact opposite. I like to have the “idea” of the character, and just try to imagine how he’d organically react in that instance. I’m totally a “just wing it” person, and for better or for worse it bleeds over into my gaming.
Q: What are some of your hobbies outside of streaming with a bunch of hoodlums?
The main loves in my life are video games, board games, music, sports, and food. On a normal day off for me, I’m either playing D&D or other board games with my group of close friends, creating some type of music, eating, working out at the gym, or FLAMIN’ FOOLS ON THE BASKETBALL COURT. SEE ME.
Q: Tell me something funny that happened to you in high school.
First thing that comes to mind is an instance where my competitiveness got the best of me… as it tends to do fairly often. I was in science class and we were doing some experiment with salt. One of my friends looks at me and says “I bet you $5 you won’t eat this entire tablespoon of salt.” Before he could even finish the sentence, the salt was already on it’s way to my stomach. I sat there smirking at him for about 3 seconds… until all of a sudden I felt every drop of water in my body get sucked into the moisture black hole that was now my belly. I raised my shaking right hand to excuse myself, and luckily my teacher saw the entire thing unfold and just pointed towards the door. I ran out to the water faucet where I drank continuously for literally 3 minutes straight. Worst part of the story? The dude never paid me the $5.
Q: Lastly and most importantly, boxers or briefs?
Boxier briefs. I believe the order goes like this:
Child – briefs
Teenager – boxers
Young adult/adult – Boxer Briefs
Full grown man/old man – Briefs
It comes full circle.

Q: How long have you been watching HRR? How did you find us?
So I was skipping class one day in 2014, sitting in the parking lot of a closed megamart just waiting for the time to pass. I was suddenly aware that I have a phone, a marvelous LG G2, with internet connection wherever I roam — and I had resolved that I would log into Twitch to pass an hour, at least, an hour. I was surprised to find D&D in the list of games being streamed, and remembered how I had enjoyed the link to Acquisitions Incorporated my m8 dropped on me like a hot fire. With my loins girded, I pitched myself fourth unto the world of D&D live streaming. In the first stream I found, however, the players seemed unengaged. An archer trying to shift 5 feet between attacks had shut down the whole game’s progression when I decided to see what else was available. And in that vacant parking lot, disgruntled and alone — that’s where I first saw How ReRoll. Radovan had just begun fighting a large bugger with a log. It seemed much more like an adventure, so I stayed for a while.
Q: Why did you think joining our cast was a good idea? Seems like a disaster waiting to happen. I stayed long enough to know I wanted to play with these clowns. I’m glad I get to. Look at ‘em. Clowns.
Q: What’s your favorite part about Dungeons and Dragons?
I’d say my favorite part of dungeons and dragons is the disclaimer near the front of the book which states, “theses rules are guidelines.” I live for a good story, and free form fun, so D&D is a nice, unrestrained playscape on which clowns like I can dream.
Q: What are some of your hobbies outside of streaming with a bunch of hoodlums?
When I’m not playing D&D with these nerps, I’m working on creative projects, films, artwork, music, or games.
Q: Tell me something funny that happened to you in high school.
Nothing funny happened to me in highschool. I had to do it to myself.
Q: Lastly and most importantly, boxers or briefs?
Boxer Briefs. Because I’m a gemini hufflepuff who wants to agree.
You can follow these two goofs on twitter @satchtmo and @mattysweettweet – feel free to tweet them any more questions you have about them! They’d love to hear from you.